The Start of a New Journey

Written by Adi Jones


We did it! The Tribe Youth blog has officially launched! Allow me to share with you its story. Flashback to May 2019; Tribe Youth was just getting started and the leadership team was being formed. As our team cast vision, an idea started to bubble up: to create and sustain a blog site for Tribe Youth. This blog site would be a means to connect the students and create a community. It would be a space to explore different ideas, thoughts, and questions about various topics (more on that later though). Lastly, it would be a platform to encourage the next generation. Fast forward to March 2020, the foundations of the blog were finally being laid.

Discussions, ideas, and strategies were shared and then a plan was put in place to launch. We share all of this with you to explain the journey that brought us to this point. This moment we are in now, the moment that we are so excited to share with you! This is the first blog post! Woohoo!

We previously mentioned some of the heart behind the blog that we would like to reflect on. Our goal is for this blog to be a means to connect and to create community, a platform to encourage the next generation, and a space to explore different ideas, thoughts, and questions on various topics. The heart is to open this up to you, our readers, to share the topics that you are interested in, or want to gain perspective on! Some of the topics that have been considered are ones such as cultivating creativity, creative expression, dating, and identity. Cooking even! We do not want this blog to be limited in the range of topics; we want to write about the things that you want to read about. The heart is also to empower writers’ voices to share the things they are passionate about.

This leads to the next thought we would like to share. The team and the writers. The Tribe Blog will primarily be run by Michael Tagg and Adi Jones and overseen by Kathryn Worley. However, they will not be the only writers to provide wisdom and witty quips for you. The scope of writers is broad and intended to grow even more. There is an array of people from the body of Christ that will be writing and sharing on this platform; some whom you may be familiar with and some who might be new to you. And that is the beauty of the body! Establishing and growing relationships from connection, and this is a different form of connection!

Just as the scope of the writers is broad, we hope the scope of the audience to be broad as well. This blog is intended for Tribe Youth but not limited to Tribe Youth. We hope that anyone and everyone who stumbles upon this blog will leave it feeling encouraged, inspired, comforted, joyful, hopeful, intrigued, the list could go on. More than anything we hope that we can share Jesus with you on any topic! We get to partner with Him in all areas of life. We hope to bring glory and honor to the One who gave it all for us so that we could live and enjoy this life with Him! We get to enjoy life with Him!

We get to partner with Him in this blog journey we’re on! Praise the Lord! Just as we are thrilled to move forward in this experience; to learn and to share perspective with you! Thank you for joining the journey! This is going to be so fun! :D


Uniquely Yours: Cultivating Artistic Expression